Marton: Urbanism in Bordeaux
For the third week, I had something special in mind. Instead of the regular "this happened and it was good/bad", a review of the city's...
Wir sind für dich da!
Marton: Urbanism in Bordeaux
Niklas: And the award for the most beautiful city goes to...
Blanca: Last week in Hamburg
Niklas: Half-time
Amelie: Last week on Mallorca
Noel O: Last week at Tarina Aho
Angelina P: La última semana en Barcelona
Niklas: New week - new department
Amelie: Third week on Mallorca
Blanca: Week 3 in Hamburg
Noel O: Third week at Tarina Aho
Angelina P: ¡Una semana con nuestra amiga!
Alexander Nitsch: last Week in Florence
Gabriela: My final days in Lisbon
Stefi: Week 4 in Lisbon
Veronika K.: Semana tres en España
Maria: My last week in Dublin
Niklas: Week 2 in the most beautiful area in Italy
Blanca: Second Week in Hamburg
Un día en Valencia