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Niklas Müller
23. Aug. 20243 Min. Lesezeit
Niklas: And the award for the most beautiful city goes to...
Milano! By far the most beautiful city that I have ever been to! How did I get there? In Week 5 I had one full week that I could spend...
19 Ansichten

Niklas Müller
11. Aug. 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Niklas: Half-time
Already 4 weeks have passed! This is going to be one of the shorter blogs as not much has happened in Week 4. One of the reasons is that...
5 Ansichten
Niklas Müller
9. Aug. 20242 Min. Lesezeit
Niklas: Third time in Vicenza
Dear folks, This is now the second last time that you are going to hear from me! 8 Weeks have passed and it has been an astonishing...
2 Ansichten

Niklas Müller
5. Aug. 20242 Min. Lesezeit
Niklas: New week - new department
Dear Ladies and Gents, week 3 has already passed and a lot happened this week! First of all, I switched from procurement to sales. So,...
16 Ansichten

30. Juli 20242 Min. Lesezeit
Alexander Nitsch: last Week in Florence
Ciao a tutti As my time in Florence comes to an end, I’ve been reflecting on the experiences I’ve had here, especially in comparison to...
13 Ansichten

Niklas Müller
29. Juli 20242 Min. Lesezeit
Niklas: Week 2 in the most beautiful area in Italy
Week 2 has already passed and I have no clue on how 4 weeks of Erasmus+ can be enough to claim that you have seen the city and...
2 Ansichten

25. Juli 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Alexander Nitsch: 3. Week in Florence
Hello everyone! This past week in Florence has been full of exciting moments. A friend from Siena visited, and we had a great time...
11 Ansichten

Niklas Müller
23. Juli 20244 Min. Lesezeit
Niklas: Wonderful people in a wonderful place that you have to find first
A bit late to the party but now I am also here and sharing my Erasmus+ Experiences with you, that I made in Schio (Italy). Schio is a...
12 Ansichten

Iris Amerhauser
16. Juli 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Iris: Second week in Florence
Ciao, My second week in Florence has come to an end. This week was way easier then the first one. I got to know my workplace and my home...
24 Ansichten

8. Juli 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Alexander: My first week in Florence
Ciao! I've just finished my first week in Florence and wanted to share my thoughts. Florence is a stunning city with its historic...
15 Ansichten

Iris Amerhauser
8. Juli 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Iris: First week in Florence
Today my first week came to an end. The week went by so fast but there was a lot that happened. The first day I moved into my apartment...
23 Ansichten

Niklas Müller
9. Jan. 20241 Min. Lesezeit
Niklas: First time at Garda
Well, here I am again. By now I have lost count at which week we are standing. However... Things are still moving and I am enjoying...
0 Ansichten

Katharina Bachinger
30. Juli 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Kathi B: Arrivederci Firenze! Torneremo sicuramente!
Ciao a tutti! Finally, our last week in Florence has begun. Today is Wednesday, so we have only two days left in this magnificent city....
35 Ansichten

Daniela Schischka
30. Juli 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Daniela S: Arrivederci Firenze!
Today, we had our last work day, and it was a bittersweet experience. Saying goodbye to our co-workers, with whom we had developed such...
19 Ansichten

Daniela Schischka
24. Juli 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Daniela S: Life in Florence
Another week has passed, and life here is becoming more exciting every day. Katharina and I are adapting well to the Italian lifestyle,...
16 Ansichten

Katharina Bachinger
24. Juli 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Kathi B: La terza settimana a Firenze
Since my last blog on Wednesday last week a lot of time has passed. Of course, since then we have done many things. We ate a typical...
17 Ansichten

Katharina Bachinger
14. Juli 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Kathi B: La seconda settimana a Firenze
Since my last blog on Saturday Daniela and I have done a lot of things. We were in Viareggio and enjoyed a day on the seaside, we ate...
23 Ansichten

Daniela Schischka
13. Juli 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Daniela S: Life in Florence/Firenze!
Unbelievable that a week already has passed, everything is working perfectly. We are still very surprised about how many things Florence...
21 Ansichten

Katharina Bachinger
3. Juli 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Kathi B: Benvenuto a Firenze!
Ciao a tutti! Damiela and I are not only doing an Erasmus+ mobility: we're doing a GREEN mobility! On Saturday Daniela and I arrived in...
38 Ansichten

Daniela Schischka
3. Juli 20231 Min. Lesezeit
Daniela S: Ciao da Firenze!
After a brief train journey, we arrived in Florence on Saturday. Our first destination was our charming and spacious Airbnb apartment,...
33 Ansichten
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