Hallihallo again!
I can`t believe that week 3 is nearly over and we are heading home next week! As promised I will tell you about our diving experience at the Costa Brava last Sunday: We went there by bus which took us 2,5 hours, but when we finally arrived in Tamariu it was totally worth it. Before we headed to the diving school, we enjoyed our lunch at the beach while listening to ABBA, which was an actual vibe because the area there reminded us all of the film Mamma Mia. Afterward we went for a little swim and then headed straight to the diving school to meet a friend of Luisa's mum's, who owns it. After some instructions, we put on the wetsuits, gas cylinders, diving goggles as well as fins and then we jumped into the water to our instructors which were already waiting for us there. The view underwater was amazing and I saw a lot of fish, jellyfish, crabs, seaweed and an octopus. After an half an hour at a depth of 9 meters we went back up and received a certificate. I think that all 6 of us can agree that this was the best experience of our intership!
Monday and Wednesday were not really exciting because I got a little sick. I think it was from the air conditioning in the bus to Tamariu. But nevertheless we went to a great modern art museum called "Ikono" which was really amusing! We had a lot of fun while experiencing different rooms with exciting attractions. On Thursday we met up with a friend of Jana's and went to a bar called "Orient Express". This name actually has a meaning behind because inside it looks like a train station and the drinks you order are brought by a small train. Also the waiters were disguised as locomotive drivers - really crazy but great! In the next days we are planning to get brunch with a friend of Elli's, go to the Montjuic and maybe spent a day at the Costa Brava again, but you will hear more about that in the next and also last blog post!
Until then -
Bussi baba,