Hi Guys
This is the last post that I am going to write and I can’t believe that the time went by sooo fast.
It actually feels like I just arrived in Dublin this week.
But I really liked Dublin.
So let me tell you about my last week.
Work was really good because I just wrote some Blogs and did some Pictures for the website.
On Tuesday I went to see the spire and on Wednesdays I went to see the Portal that connects Dublin with New York. It is interesting that you can see actual people that are in New York while you are in Dublin.
On Saturday I had some last preparations to make before I went back to Austria on Sunday.
My flight went at 7 and I needed to bring my baggage at the check in so I had to wake up at 4 in the morning.
At 11 a.m. I arrived in Austria.
Thank you for being with me on this journey.